Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Chasing Happiness

 Denial has been given a bad name, it's actually a valid and handy tool our mind uses to protect us from overwhelm or pain.

Take a moment to listen to Illy's 'It can wait'...

While denial might have unkind connotations it certainly serves it's purposes. It's one of the ways our mind can hide uncomfortable truths from us, it buys us time 'til we're ready to face the 'issue'. Illy's song reminds me of how we can choose denial, avoidance, procrastination, blame etc in the pursuit of moments of fleeting happiness. A boozey Saturday night is another way that we can do all of the aforementioned and escape into fleeting moments of happiness. We drink up/smoke/pop pills in the hope of experiencing the bliss that comes from blocking out the reality of our daily lives. The euphoric feelings come from not only the drugs, but from allowing ourselves the freedom to let loose and have a good time.

Don't get me wrong, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with 'doing denial' from time to time. It's your choice how much time you spend chasing the elusive happiness, do it for as long as it serves you, until you're so fed up with it that you decide to make a change.

If you're committed to your denial and the chase of happiness I warn you now that the following words are for those who are 'over' their denial & ready to make a new move.
It's inevitable that at some stage we'll get fed up, our drug ( or food/addiction) of choice no longer helps us to feel the way it used to. We find those underlying uncomfy feelings bubble up to the surface more readily and are increasingly difficult to suppress.

It's uncomfortable, but most likely means you're about due for a breakthrough!! If you're ready for something to change, you might find 5 simple ways to create change (link soon to come) useful.

Wishing you all the very best in your process, please do leave me a message if you feel like sharing.

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